Brahms Schumann Piano QuintetsNew Alexander String Quartet release, Brahms & Schumann: The Piano Quintets with pianist Joyce Yang gets a new Five-Star Review from Audiophile Audition:

“This recording under review is simply sensational—rarely have I had that kind of leap-out-of-your-seat experience with a work so tried and true, but this one did it, and the sound is exquisite as well, though standard stereo. …Joyce Yang’s wild and wooly pianism add to the multiple delights found here. …the Alexander brings such a reckless abandon to the work, like it was just written and never seen before, that makes their performance so infectiously delicious. It’s impossible to exhaust the interpretative possibilities with these two works on any one recording anyway, but the Alexander has really upped the ante with this one. Don’t miss it!” —Steven Ritter, Audiophile Audition

Read the full review on Audiophile Audition

Purchase & Download Brahms & Schumann: The Piano Quintets

 Foghorn Classics Amazon

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