Take a look at a green room pre-concert giggle as Zak refines his “over bowing” technique required by Cindy Cox’s new work Patagón. In Patagón, (written for our 30th Anniversary and premiered last April), which we perform for the Morrison Artists Series this Friday, Cindy Cox requires the instruments to produce sub-harmonics – an effect achieved by this over bowing technique. Here we are having some pre-premiere fun with this and Fred remains the undisputed master. The effect is truly beautiful in context as we represent the sounds of heaving ice-flow and sleeping whales. But no matter how effective in its place, there is no resisting the Jack Benny-ness of it – especially when you consider how long we’ve worked NOT to sound like this. 🙂

[gigya src=”http://facebook.com/v/10100200022195894″ codebase=”http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,06,40,0″ width=”568″ height=”320″]

Friday December 7, 2012 – 8:00 pm
Morrison Artists Series
San Francisco State University
McKenna Theatre
San Francisco, California

Mozart Quartet in F Major, KV 590
Cindy Cox Patagón (2011)
Schubert Quartet in D Minor, D. 810, “Death and the Maiden”

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