Brahms Schumann Piano QuintetsJerry Dubins of Fanfare Magazine says the new Brahms & Schumann Piano Quintets recording with Joyce Yang is already contending for his year-end “Want List”:

“The Alexander’s Schumann is indeed breathtaking, as much for its sweeping lyricism and emotional responsiveness to the music’s impassioned Romantic gestures, as for its technical precision, ensemble balance, and tonal bloom. … The Alexander’s Schumann is simply wonderful, taking pride of place among all others with which I’m familiar.

“The Brahms Quintet, too, is special. The hair-on-fire Scherzo, in particular, is a guided tour through Brahms’s rhythmic arsenal. … But I have to say that the Alexander’s performance is super-charged and electrifyingly exciting. Needless to say, the ensemble’s terrific reading of Brahms’s Piano Quintet is not limited to just the Scherzo. This new recording of the Schumann and Brahms piano quintets will be a serious contender for my year-end Want List.” —Jerry Dubins, Fanfare Magazine

Look for the full review in the latest issue of Fanfare Magazine!
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