In anticipation of this weekend’s concert, Robert Greenberg has a new blog for our The String Quartet at a Time of War: Britten and His Contemporaries program. Read the intro here and finish the wonderful blog on!


“Benjamin Britten was born in 1913, on November 22: the feast day of St. Cecelia, Patron Saint of Music. Britten’s birth date pleased his mother Edith no end. Britten’s childhood friend Basil Reed recalled that:

“[Britten’s mother was] determined that he should be a great musician. Quite often we would talk about the three B’s – Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms – and the fourth “B” was [to be] Britten.”

His mother’s ambitions aside, Britten grew up in what he called “a very ordinary middle-class family” in Lowestoft, an East Anglian town on the North Sea 110 miles north east of London…

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The String Quartet at a Time of War: Britten and His Contemporaries
Saturday, March 9 – 10:00am
San Francisco Performances Inc.
Herbst Theatre
San Francisco, California

ASQ with lecturer, Robert Greenberg
Shostakovich Quartet No. 8 (1960)
Britten Quartet No. 3 (1975)

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