In preparation of next weekend’s exciting Yehudi Menuhin Chamber Music Seminar and Festival, Sandy Wilson has a quick interview with the members of the Aleron Trio. The Aleron Trio is one of four exciting young emerging chamber music ensembles performing throughout the festival.


Sandy Wilson: What are some special wishes or extracurricular agendas you have for the seminar?

Aleron Trio: We are looking forward to meeting everyone and spending time getting to know everyone in ASQ! We would definitely like the opportunity to play together with members of the group.

Sandy Wilson: This seminar comes at a special time for your ensemble as you are building new repertoire together with you newest member. Do you have any goals you hope the festival and seminar will help your ensemble accomplish?

Aleron Trio: Finding ways to get the most out of every rehearsal and discussing rehearsal planning. We would love to talk with ASQ about what they have found to be the best rehearsal strategies when approaching a piece for the first time and when revisiting works performed many times. We would like advice in finding the best balance and dynamic in rehearsals. We have found that different strategies are needed when we have different timelines for preparing a concert, and how to move forward without getting “stuck.”

Sandy Wilson: As an ambitious and already demonstrably successful young group, what are some challenging hurdles you’ve already faced, and what are some things you’re hoping to learn during the seminar?

Aleron Trio: We have had many wonderful opportunities as a group, including a residency with the Southeast Iowa Symphony performing the Beethoven Triple Concerto and performing in France on three concert tours, in addition to U.S. recitals. However, we find that when one great concert opportunity has passed, we are often starting from scratch to build the next opportunity. We have been using our network to build opportunities and now would like to become better known in wider circles in the United States. We would like to have advice on approaching management. Another opportunity we have been considering and hope to learn more about is residencies. What are opportunities like for resident groups these days at universities?

Beyond continuing to cultivate our group sound and strive for even better listening and communication skills, practically speaking our biggest challenge is continuing to find opportunities that keep us moving forward, and continuing to keep our focus on the group.

Sandy Wilson: We’ve been asking each ensemble about what kinds of foods they like to eat. Are there any special cuisines you’re looking forward to during the festival?

Aleron Trio: We love food and especially like healthy things!

Sandy Wilson: Is there anything else you might want to add?

Aleron Trio: We are so excited to be part of this opportunity. After school a musician is not fully prepared for the challenges involved with cultivating a career. As we have been working hard and figuring many things out as we go along, this chance to speak with members of ASQ about their experiences is so helpful.

aleron-trio-2About the Aleron Trio:

Praised for their “dexterity and breathtaking perfection” by French critics and for their “emotionally compelling” and “masterful execution” by the San Francisco, the San Francisco based Aleron Trio draws audiences with their unique energy and commitment to performing. Representing three countries—violinist Solenn Seguillon, France, cellist Anne Suda, United States and pianist Teresa Yu, Taiwan—Aleron Trio’s mission is to present chamber music to as broad a range of audiences as possible, whether performing in cathedrals, museum galleries, intimate chapels or the traditional concert hall.

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