Apotheosis Vol. 1 Receives a Top Rating from InfoDad
The InfoDad blog awards ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (their top rating) to our Mozart: The Final Quartets, Apotheosis Vol. 1 recording: “ The great chamber music of the past continues to involve and thrill performers and listeners alike, and to be subject to multiple interpretations that emphasize varying elements of works that are multifaceted and have genuine depth.…
In meinem Himmel “is very much worth having”
“Grafilo’s sensitivity to Mahler actually comes through particularly well… all these quartet adaptations can and perhaps should be regarded as experiments in sonority and emotional communication, and if they are not entirely Mahlerian in the former of those ways, they are highly effective in the latter. Much credit for their expressive impact goes to mezzo-soprano Kindra…