Tag: Morrison Series

  • Morrison Chamber Music Concert on Spotify

    Stream tracks from this Sunday’s Morrison Chamber Music Center concert via Spotify:   Sunday September 28, 2014 3:00 pm Morrison Artists Series San Francisco State University McKenna Theatre San Francisco, California Tel: (415) 338-2467 Web: creativestate.sfsu.edu/events/ Program: Mozart Adagio & Fugue in C Minor, KV 546 Kodály Quartet No. 2, Op. 10 Beethoven Grosse Fuge,…

  • Morrison Artists Series Showcase

    Sunday, September 29th, the Alexander String Quartet joins renowned clarinettist, David Shifrin, and composer Wayne Peterson to open up the 2013-14 Morrison Artists Series at San Francisco State University! SF State’s longtime quartet-in-residence performs with renowned clarinetist David Shifrin. The concert program will feature the world premiere of a new work for string quartet by…

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