Fred blogging on the go!
Fred blogging on the go!

What a difference a year makes. Driving on this sunny day from Pittsburgh to play in the scenic, historic town of Foxburg, PA is a complete change from last years snow storm, which caused the cancellation of that concert.

We were so disappointed then but we’re back!

After Friday night in Napa, a long day of flying and missing one nights sleep we are rejuvenated and ready for an afternoon of Mozart, Shostakovich and Beethoven.

We will see the ASQ’s great friends Dr. Art and Pat Steffee. Art Steffee envisioned the rebuilding of this gorgeous town — set in the hills, on the Rivers Clarion and Allegheny. It’s one of those places where even a digital camera can “run out” of film from trying to take so many photographs. We have made many friends among the audience there and that makes it especially gratifying to make music there. Fortunately that is the case in most of the places we perform now, and what makes these long journeys worthwhile.

And yet, there’s always a new face or youngster in the crowd who will experience the magic of the great Quartet repertoire for the first time. Also a most gratifying occasion.


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