Category: At Home

  • Haydn: The Seven Last Words of Christ

    It has been the Alexander String Quartet’s pleasure to present a performance of Haydn’s Seven Last Words of Christ at San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral on Good Friday alongside verse readings by Dean Emeritus Alan Jones. This year, we spent Holy Week creating a virtual performance. We recorded each of our parts while sheltering-in-place, and our…

  • New Year Reflections

    New Year Reflections

    Once again another year has flown by for the Alexander String Quartet. 2016 has been another great year spanning the end of 35th and into our 36th seasons. We spent the actual anniversary of our first concert (August 4th) spread from pillar to post. Fred was in Boston visiting family, Paul was keeping the home…

  • ASQ and the Cypress Quartet at the SF Friends of Chamber Music Gala

  • Happy Thanksgiving from the ASQ!

    The Alexander String Quartet is happy and grateful to be spending this uniquely American holiday week with our respective family members. Of necessity we routinely spend a lot of time away from home and over the years, we have celebrated thanksgiving many times with just each other – Chinese restaurants in Germany or Indian restaurants…

  • Highlights from the 2012-2013 Season

    It is a rare pleasure to be at home for a couple of weeks with no teaching or administrative obligations at San Francisco State University. I am relishing some slightly less structured family time as well as the opportunity to catch up on a variety of chores and deferred obligations that escape the ASQ members…

  • Paul on inspiration from Menuhin

    Many people will know that Yehudi Menuhin was a cherished friend to our group dating back to the very first year of our existence. Here’s a passage from his “Unfinished Journey” about string quartet playing that I find inspiring: “Those quiet summers were marked for me by the experience, too rare in my life, of…

  • Sandy on the SF indie rock scene

    I passed reluctantly on the Marin Symphony concert that Paul wrote about the other night. I knew it would be memorable – such a fine ensemble under Maestro Neale, and with such a triple AAA rated viola section to back up pianist Joyce Yang, it must have been a fabulous evening! I did not miss…

  • Paul and his busman’s holiday

    Last night I took a little busman’s holiday, going to see the Marin Symphony performing at the Marin Civic Center. I went to hear our friend and quintet partner, Joyce Yang, perform the Rachmaninoff Paganini Variations. Joyce played exquisitely (as usual) and the orchestra sounded excellent. I even stuck around to hear Alasdair Neale lead…

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