Tag: Review

  • Lynn René Bayley Reviews Coming Brahms & Schumann Piano Quintets

    Fanfare Magazine’s Lynn René Bayley has new review of our coming Brahms & Schumann Piano Quintets recording with pianist Joyce Yang for the upcoming Fanfare issue: “The crisp, lively, and emotionally committed performance style of the Alexander Quartet has almost become a trademark in my home. I look forward to each and every one of…

  • Another Fanfare review for Bartók & Kodály

    Another review for our Bartók & Kodály release in the latest issue of Fanfare Magazine! “Kodály’s Second Quartet, op. 10, is less than half as lengthy as his First, far more sophisticated, and equally lovely. The Alexander gives gorgeous readings of both quartets, becoming a bit more aggressive at Kodály’s energetic moments than it was…

  • Fanfare With A New Rave For Bartók & Kodály

    Jerry Dubins recently published a rave review of our Bartók & Kodály recording for Fanfare Magazine subscribers, calling it one of “the finest Bartók quartets on record.” “This is a superb new Bartók string quartet cycle, and one I shall return to often … Consequently, by reason alone of it being an invaluable addition to…

  • Audiophile Audition Reviews here/after

    Audiophile Audition has a five-star review for Jake Heggie and Gene Sheer’s new here/after recording featuring the Camille Claudel: Into the Fire song cycle. “Finally, the first piece on the recording and certainly to my mind the greatest, is ‘Camille Claudel: Into the Fire.’ … The piece is riveting from start to finish, composed for…

  • Audiophile Audition Gives Five Stars to Bartók & Kodály!

    Audiophile Audition gives a rave Five-Star review of our Bartók & Kodály recording, leading with, “This is an essential recording, maybe the best ever of these important works.” “If ever an album had ‘Grammy nominee’ written on its front cover, this is it. There have only been a handful of “complete” Bartok quartets recordings that…

  • MusicWeb International Reviews Bartók & Kodály

    MusicWeb International‘s Dominy Clements reviews our new Bartók & Kodály recording: “Bartók’s string quartets are amongst the most superb and striking of the entire 20th century, and the ASQ does them proud in these performances. They nail the heightened folk-music intensity of a movement such as the finale of the String Quartet No. 3, and…

  • SFCV Reviews Music At Kohl Mansion Concert with Joyce Yang

    The San Francisco Classical Voice has a wonderful new review of Sunday’s Music at Kohl Mansion performance with pianist Joyce Yang: “Take a well-established, internationally acclaimed string quartet and add a brilliant young pianist who was not even a glimmer in the eyes when the quartet was founded. Throw them in a 100-year-old ballroom of…

  • The Arts Desk reviews Bartók and Kodály

    Graham Rickson of The Arts Desk has a generous new review of our Bartók & Kodály recording: “The Second Quartet’s pounding middle movement is fantastic here, and the quartet’s elusive close is nicely taught. You’ll rarely hear the compact, pungent Third Quartet dance as it does here, the last few minutes being thrilling without being…

  • Positive Feedback Online Raves About Bartók & Kodály

    Bob Neill has a fantastic and lengthy review of our new Bartók & Kodály release in the new September/October Issue of Positive Feedback: “The first thing we notice as we work our way though the (three CD) album is the weight and power the Alexanders bring to bear on, or more likely bring out of,…

  • Fanfare Reviews Bartók & Kodály

    Fanfare Magazine’s, Lynn René Bayley has a pre-release review for our Bartók & Kodály recording! “This fascinating set combines the string quartets of two then-young professors of music in Hungary, Béla Bartók and Zoltan Kodály. … “I felt that Alexander’s performance of the first quartet’s opening movement, though less leisurely in feeling, has a tensile…

  • Gershwin & Kern a CD Hotlist Top Pick!

    Last month, our Gershwin & Kern release was chosen as a CDHotlist.com top pick and was named “Rick’s Pick”: “String quartet arrangements of jazz standards are nothing new—and sometimes they’re not even anything special. This album is, though. The first four tracks consist of selections from Porgy & Bess arranged for string quartet plus clarinet,…

  • Positive Feedback reviews the ASQ Shostakovich Fragments Recordings

    Bob Neill in his “Notes of an Amateur” column on Postive Feedback Online has some kind words for both Volume One and Two of our Shostakovich Fragments recordings: “Quartet No. 1 (1938) played by the Alexanders has a beauty we won’t often hear from it. There’s plenty of vigor when it’s called for — vigor…

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