Tag: World Premiere

  • Boise Chamber Music Series Celebrates 30 Years!

    Boise Chamber Music Series Celebrates 30 Years!

    The Alexander String Quartet is honored to be a part of the Boise Chamber Music Series’ 30th Anniversary Celebrations! The party officially begins tonight (Friday, October 7th) and continues through Saturday. See the schedule below: Friday, October 7 | 7:30pm – 9:30pm | Morrison Center Recital Hall Boise Chamber Music Series: The Alexander Quartet, with…

  • Robert Greenberg’s “Invasive Species” — Video

  • Dance Lessons for String Quartet

    Alexander String Quartet to give the world premiere performance (Thursday, October 23, 2014) of Dance Lessongs for String Quartet by Victor E. Marquez-Barrios: Dance Lessons is a series of short pieces attempting to replicate voluntarily and with sound, the kind of involuntary beat displacement evident in an untalented dancer’s movements. The pieces draw inspiration from…

  • Rehearsing “Invasive Species”

    A look at our rehearsals with pianist Roger Woodward for the world premiere performance of Robert Greenberg’s Invasive Species! March 11, 2014 — 8:00pm Composers, Inc. Winners’ Circle First Congregational Church of Berkeley Berkeley, California www.composersinc.org

  • Wayne’s World

    In 1992 Wayne Peterson, who was on the SFSU faculty as a distinguished professor of composition was commissioned to write us a quartet, his second. What a great work it turned out to be. The second movement, of that two movement quartet is entitled “Jazz Play” and it’s hard as heck and just as rewarding…

  • Morrison Artists Series Showcase

    Sunday, September 29th, the Alexander String Quartet joins renowned clarinettist, David Shifrin, and composer Wayne Peterson to open up the 2013-14 Morrison Artists Series at San Francisco State University! SF State’s longtime quartet-in-residence performs with renowned clarinetist David Shifrin. The concert program will feature the world premiere of a new work for string quartet by…

  • ASQ Heads to New York

    ASQ Heads to New York for two concerts this week! Take a look below at the schedule, and let us know in the comments if we’ll see you there! Monday September 24, 2012 7:30 pm Crane School of Music  The State University of New York Snell Music Theater Potsdam, New York Tel: (315) 267-2443 Web: www.potsdam.edu/newsandevents/…

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