On August 4th 1981, 40 years ago today, the Alexander String Quartet performed its very first public concert as part of the Strawbery Banke Festival in Portsmouth, NH. The photo to the right features that original lineup.
And why were we behind bars you might ask? The photo is from Nantucket in 1982. The Concord Quartet had played on the island the week before the ASQ and Andy Jennings’ Strad had been stolen from their hotel. The presenter deemed it a wise precaution to store our instruments in the jail overnight before we flew back to Yale in Norfolk the next morning. And we just couldn’t resist getting a photo!
After 40 years, it’s great to look back at some of the early photos from lineup changes, including our most recent rendition with violist David Samuel! We hope you’ll join us as we celebrate our 40th Anniversary over the course of the next year!