Category: Tour

  • Alexander String Quartet to Perform Patagón for the Morrison Artists Series

    Friday, December 7th, Alexander String Quartet presents Cindy Cox’s Patagón along with the Mozart Quartet in F Major, and the Schubert “Death and the Maiden” Quartet in D Minor as a part of the Morrison Artists Series at San Francisco State University: SF State’s longtime quartet-in-residence has performed in the major music capitals of five…

  • Having some fun with Patagón

    Take a look at a green room pre-concert giggle as Zak refines his “over bowing” technique required by Cindy Cox’s new work Patagón. In Patagón, (written for our 30th Anniversary and premiered last April), which we perform for the Morrison Artists Series this Friday, Cindy Cox requires the instruments to produce sub-harmonics – an effect…

  • Silberman Concert Series today at Baruch College

    We’re excited for our Aaron Silberman Concert Series performance today at Baruch College. Here’s a little more about our residency with Baruch: Baruch College is proud to host The Alexander String Quartet for a one-week residency each semester. In addition to performing a concert in Engelman Recital Hall, the quartet also appears in classes from…

  • Meet Cellist Adrian Fung!

    This Thursday and Friday, the ASQ is excited to perform the Schubert Quintet in C Major, D. 956, Op. posth. 163 with cellist Adrian Fung! Canadian-born cellist Adrian Fung is a founding member of the Afiara String Quartet, winners of the Concert Artist Guild International Competition in New York and top prizes at the Munich…

  • ASQ Does New York

    ASQ is in NYC this week with a trio of concerts with the Baruch College. As a fun “flashback” take a look at Fred’s blog about our last Baruch trip! We’ll be playing Schubert Quartets and a Quintet ing cellist Adrian Fung. Find out about each of these concerts below: Monday November 12, 2012 7:30…

  • Rebellion’s Quiet Voice Concert with Carolyn Forché a Stirring Succes

    Last night’s program “Rebellion’s Quiet Voice” with fabulous poet Carolyn Forché was a stirring and moving success, and featured the Shostakovich 8th, 3rd, and 2nd quartets with poetry by Carolyn – including selections from her “Against Forgetting: 20th Century Poetry of Witness” and selections from George Trakl, Wislawa Szymborska, and Iona Caraion. Due to the…

  • Music and Poetry with Carolyn Forché

    We’ve told you a little about our upcoming concert with poet Carolyn Forché, and today we’re happy to share the full program for this exciting collaboration of poetry and music (poetry by Carolyn Forché unless noted otherwise): Poetry to be read before, after and between movements: “Visitation” “The Lost Suitcase” “Exile” “Letter to a City…

  • Carolyn Forché Reads Museum of Stones

    Earlier this week, we introduced you to poet Carolyn Forché, so for the weekend we’d like to introduce you to her poetry: Thursday November 8, 2012 7:30 pm Classical Concert Series  Seton Hall University South Orange Performing Arts Center South Orange, New Jersey Tel: (973) 313-2787 Web: Program: ASQ with poetry and readings by Carolyn Forché…

  • Meet Carolyn Forché

    Our November concerts kick off at Seton Hall and begins with a performance with poetry and readings by Carolyn Forché, so today, we’d like to introduce you to this wonderful poet: Born in Detroit, Michigan in 1950, poet, teacher and activist Carolyn Forché has witnessed, thought about, and put into poetry some of the most…

  • Franz Schubert at St. John’s

    Saturday ASQ travels to St. John’s Presbyterian Church in Berkeley, California to perform the first San Francisco Performances concert of the season! Is it a concert series? Scholarly lectures? Classical music stand-up? The ASQ with Robert Greenberg is all three and more. For more than twenty years, these five passionate performers, avid scholars and friends…

  • Meet Andreas Werz

    Wednesday, October 10th, ASQ will perform in the Philip Lorenz Memorial Keyboard Concerts at California State University, Fresno along with the Series director and pianist Andreas Werz. Here’s a little about Mr. Werz and the Philip Lorenz Memorial series: Andreas Werz: Andreas Werz has concertized extensively in the United States, Mexico, France, Italy, Spain and…

  • Sunday Kicks off new Schubert Series at Mondavi Center

    Sunday’s concert marks the 10th season of concerts at the Robert and Margrit Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts in Davis, CA, and features the first performance of Schubert’s Quartet No. 8 by the ASQ. For fabulous insight into the works on this concert, please visit the wonderful article on “The first program will…

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